“For truly I say to you that whoever shall say to this mountain, Be moved and be cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he said shall occur, he shall have whatever he said. Therefore I say to you, All things, whatever you ask, praying, believe that you shall receive them, and it will be to you”.- (Mar 11:23-24)
Think of all the sources from which gift of money come into your life (e.g. Job, business, inheritance, investment, parents, friends, grants etc). Now think imagine new sources of money into your life (e.g. Business idea, Anonymous checks, an unexpected refund, probably winning the lottery). Then ask yourself “am I willing to receive from new sources?” If you are able to say yes, then you open the door to new unexpected channel of abundance to your life.
Be open to receive from any source that God will send your way and He would open up multiple sources for you. There could be instances that what somebody want to give to you has string attached that you do not like, wanting to buy you or control you, that you should not accept. Receive from people that give freely to you and honor your well-being.
Think of something you want but you do not have enough money to purchase it. Rather than focusing on not having enough money, focus on receiving your want and letting in come in any possible way. This way you banish doubt and allow the channel of abundance to be opened. Let God deal with the how and you deal with the preparation to receive.
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