You are not infallible.
You want to do something good but you end up sabotaging your good intention. You decide to do good, but you don’t really do it; You decide not to do bad, but then you do it anyway. It happens so regularly that it’s predictable and as a result, you feel something has gone wrong deep within you and gets the better of you every time. Now you begin recall of all your wrongdoings and undesirable behaviors, and you do not hesitate to feel the guilt or hurl accusations at your own self, howbeit excessively unjustly.
That you feel guilty about a past action, dwelling and accusing yourself, does not undo the wrong committed rather it serves as a painful reminder which tremendously harms your emotionally well-being.
You need to deliberately forgive yourself by acknowledging what you did wrong, learn the lessons from it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Self forgiveness frees you from negative thoughts of the past and helps you to live through its consequences, so you can live and enjoy what the present holds for you.
It is okay to make a mistake in your life but it is not okay to make your life a mistake.
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