Tag: RealignedMInds

  • Grace


    Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus, To whom, though himself in the form of God, it did not seem that to take for oneself was to be like God; But he made himself as nothing, taking the form of a servant, being made like men; And being seen in form…

  • Talk More

    Talk More

    Live creatively, friends. If someone falls…, forgiving-ly restore such, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day’s out. Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens, and so complete the law of Love. If you think you are too good for that, you are badly deceived.…

  • Love is Not Blind

    Love is Not Blind

    Love sees clearly what is needed to bring a person or situation into harmony of happiness. It freely offers whatever it can to make the experience happen.  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent…

  • Go For It

    Go For It

    …”Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now! … (Isa 43:18-19)

  • Anger Issues

    Anger Issues

    It is better to be patient than powerful. It is better to win control over yourself than over whole cities. An angry man makes men come to blows, but he who is slow to get angry puts an end to fighting.

  • Help, Not Harm

    Help, Not Harm

    Talk and act like a person expecting to be judged by the Rule that sets us free. For if you refuse to act kindly, you can hardly expect to be treated kindly. Kind mercy wins over harsh judgment every time. Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the…

  • Playing Victim

    Playing Victim

    In your Relationship with a Person You deliberately paid no attention. Now someone else is giving attention to the person. You ignored, spoke and acted unkindly. Now you are ignored or avoided by the person. You always received but rarely gave backed in return. Now the gift has stopped from the person. You resisted the…

  • Ready to Hear

    Ready to Hear

    “Listen. What do you make of this? A farmer planted seed. As he scattered the seed, some of it fell on the road and birds ate it. Some fell in the gravel; it sprouted quickly but didn’t put down roots, so when the sun came up it withered just as quickly. Some fell in the weeds;…

  • Love Thyself

    Love Thyself

    Jesus Christ is a pivotal voice of Love in the existence of mankind. One thing is sure, He did not come to start a religious organization. He was able to restart a higher level of thinking powered by Love. Love is one of the principles of life that powers life itself. Love is a creative…

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