Christ In Me (CIM)

CIMThe Christ in me (CIM) is the hope of Glory. Not for me only but for the whole of creation. What Christ stands for should be what I equally stand for. What He invites people to should be what I equally invite people to. If indeed Christ is in me, then I should accept all those who labor and are heavily laden, I should offer them rest and they should find rest in me.  Christ in me stands for the truth and not against falsehood. He stands for freedom and not against bondage. Christ does not stand against anything; rather stand for everything that He has created. “All things were made by him. Without him was not created anything that was created”.

The Christ in me wills to do the Will of the Father. CIM does not have any other will apart from the Father’s. He knows that he is safe in and with the Father. CIM has no doubt about his identity,p hence he does not need the approval of men to justify him.

CIM is the compassion that agrees with the desire for Wholeness by the leper, sight for Bartimeus; the resurrection that called life out of death for the son of the widow of Naim and Lazarus; the restorer of esteem for the woman caught in adultery, the woman by the well and the impotent man by the pool; He is the one that does not evaluate sin but rather appeals to the Father to heal the soul. He does not condemn the sinner rather He heals the sinner. He does not see a sinner rather He sees a mistaken Son of God that needs to be corrected. CIM does not heal  darkness with darkness, rather with light.

CIM ask for what he wants to give. Giving and receiving is same to CIM. He knows he can only get what he gives. CIM want more for others than Himself. He gives out what he want to receive back, even if he does not get it back, he is aware that he is inexhaustible. He is a well of water springing up to everlasting life. CIM is not disturbed by what he sees rather he is inspired to heal (correct). He seeks the original not the counterfeit.   CIM hopes all things, believes all things, celebrates life, resurrect to life.

I used to pray for Christ to come into me, but I know now that Christ is already in me. It seems to me now that CIM is praying to me to let Him out to heal the world. My prayer is now that the Father should help me remove the bars that keep the Son of God in. The stone has to be rolled away. The CIM has to be set free. “Lift up your heads oh yeah gate, be ye lifted up everlasting doors and let the King of Glory in”. “Behold I stand at the door; if any man let me in I would come in and sup with him” CIM is not outside trying to come in rather he want to enter into “my world” and heal my world. He wants the Kingdom of Heaven within to light up the Kingdom of earth. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.


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