Preparing for Change

Change is inevitable in life. The goal of Change is to bring growth to you and the sphere of your influence. Your sphere of influence would be your mind, body, home, work, relationships etc. It would either work on you to bring about a growth in your sphere of influence or work on your sphere of influence to bring growth to you. When it arrives it would not ask if you are ready or not. Your preparedness will determine if you are transformed or deformed by change.

When you have come to realize that change would come then prepare for it:

  1. Unclog your life. What are those things occupying the space in your life (at home, work etc)? What are those things that you think about, talk about and do most of the time? What are those things that are dormant but occupying space? Evaluate all this things.
  2. Sort out and give up. Sort the things in your life into two groups. Important and not so important. The former are those things that add value to your well being and the latter are those that deplete your well being. Give up all those that deplete your life. Give up clothes, furniture, material stuff that you have not used in a long while. Things you have not used in the past one year, are simply occupying your space, give them up. The things that you do, that do not improve your well being are candidate for deportation in your life. Check you contact list on your phone and emails too.
  3. Take a stand. Take a stand for what improves you well being. Appreciate what is good in your life and dismiss whatever you know depletes your life. Be willing to say “NO!” to those things that prevent you from saying “yes” to that which is meaningful to your well-being.
  4. Wait and receive. After you must have sorted out, dismissed and taken your stand, wait. Very soon all that what should occupy your space would begin to arrive. Those things that appreciate you, honor you and improve your well being would arrive.
  5. Stay away from critics. Stay away from everyone and everything that belittles and dishonors your accomplishment. Remember, those who have benefited from you and lives are changed because of you. Move on to your next assignment.


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