Do not be Anxious

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
JESUS –(Mat 6:25 KJV)

Anxiety and depression are polar opposite expressions of fearful emotion.  Clinging  to events of the past or dwelling on what happened long ago, will lead to depression. Feeling worried, nervous, or uneasy, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome leads to anxiety.

Reading through Mat. 6: 25-24,  I saw the wisdom in what Jesus was talking about being anxious (and depressed). I would like to share with you three nuggets of wisdom that struck me.

  1. Time Management:– Today, in this generation, we are very busy. From the moment we wake up till we go to sleep (hopefully), we are busy. You spend your time on two categories of tasks; Urgent and Important (read my post).  Urgent tasks are for survival and Important tasks are for expression of purpose. Urgent tasks are tasks you have to respond to quickly, like phone calls, social media status, an email, deadline to pay a bill, {add to the list). Important tasks are tasks that contribute to and express your divine potential, your well-being, your inner-self,  the things that you are passionate about, learning a new or improving your, skill set.

    Urgent tasks make you efficient while important tasks make you effective. You probably spend 75{d4aaec81d8e18c83cfd8d9538acb3a103f3014a23c4e181bb0965df6762b2648} of your time on urgent tasks and 25{d4aaec81d8e18c83cfd8d9538acb3a103f3014a23c4e181bb0965df6762b2648} on the later. You are busy because you have traded your attention from what expresses your higher self for tasks that take away from you.

    Jesus was simply encouraging a renewal of the Mind by saying  “do not be anxious about [Urgent Tasks] the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn’t life [Important] worth more than food? And isn’t the body [Important] worth more than clothes?

    Can you imagine what you would accomplish if you could spend of your time on Important tasks and not only Urgent tasks. Only you can and will decide what is important and what is urgent.

    Read my earlier blog on Important vs Urgent tasks and Setting Priorities: Family vs Work.


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