Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. -(Mat 13:44 KJV)
You need to be awakened to the undiscovered treasure that lies hidden in the field of your mind. This treasure is the only thing that matters as it concerns you. It is the core of your life purpose, to live abundantly and joyously. This is the main resource that you need to attract everything else you require to fulfill your life purpose. It lies hidden in plain sight because it is not recognized. You look at and hear it daily but you do not see or listen to it. There are a lot of active noise and sight in your mind soliciting for your attention. It is like a market place where everybody want to sell you something and make you believe you need them.
Are you tired of the noise and chatter of your mind? Are you ready to discover the one treasure necessary? There are four question you will need to ask yourself.
- What is the hidden treasure within? Do you have a desire to find the treasure? Your desire is a trigger that sets in motion the process of discovery. You will need to be deliberate and patient. When you ask, that small still voice within, will speak to you, not in storm or commotion of the mind but in its quietness, will see and hear it. I am fully persuaded that the Creator wants you to know and He is not hiding this treasure from you. To whoever that is ready to listen, He will come .
- How do I get this treasure? How do I recognize it? You need to go on a solo trip to the wilderness of the unknown to know. Jesus went away for forty days, Moses went away for forty years. The Creator will definitely respond to your desire to know. Through patience, you will find it and recognize it. You will see the forest within the little acorn seed. You will experience a knowing that cannot be explained. You will feel that inner peace that surpasses explanation.
- Why should I get this treasure? It will be the only thing that will promote your success. It will be the only thing that wakes you up in the morning and makes you rest at night with a knowing that it will never leave you nor forsake you. This is that which is referred to as the giver of the gift, the well of water springing up to everlasting life.
- Who benefits from this treasure? Firstly you, then mankind. You become blessed, a blessing to mankind and you remain connected to the Source of all abundance. You become a channel of blessing.
The awakening of your mind is the first step in living on purpose and abundance. You need to “sell all that you have” and purchase this field of hidden treasures. In my next blog we will explore how to rid our minds of the noise within.
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