The tragic passing of Chadwick Boseman, who died at 43 after a long, secret struggle with colon cancer on August 28, 2020, rattled me like many people around the world. I began to reassess why I am alive.
A child born into the world is an innocent and beautiful divine work of creation. While a child may be declared healthy and perfect at birth, another child may be declared to have visible or invisible birth defects.
Many healthy looking people are diagnosed with life threatening illness daily. While to many, it is a death sentence and a fight to stay alive, to a few it is a life sentence to fulfill purpose while they are still alive.
Many grown ups, from teenagers to ‘matured’ adults, compare themselves with others routinely. Rather than accepting and celebrating what they have, many spend time and money wanting to change, have and look like some else, thereby despising their own uniqueness and identity.
Studying Psa. 139:13-18, presented me the following facts
- God created and put every part of me together intricately.
- Every part of me that I need to fulfill life purpose, did form and grow.
- The days allotted to me to fulfill my life purpose, with my formed parts, had been determined before I was born.
- I am not a mistake or defective from the point of view of the Creator.
Chadwick lived for only 43 years and was diagnosed with Colon cancer four years ago but he continued to work and impact lives positively with the lessons of courage, determination, to make a positive difference. It appears that Colon cancer wasn’t a death sentence to stop “doing” for him but a life sentence of keep “doing”.
To all parents everywhere with children born with a birth defect, I pray you will find the courage to accept the uniqueness of your child and become aware of the life lesson allotted to your child to teach the world. I pray that God will renew your strength and comfort you all.
To all those who have been living with a birth defect, I pray you will find the courage and strength to become aware and accept your uniqueness, teaching and learning the lessons allotted to you.
I pray that we all will take care of our bodies and live life by teaching and learning life lessons allotted to each one of us.
You are blessed and highly favored.
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