Love in Oneness

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

(1Jn 4:8, Eph 4:6 KJV Bible)

Love is the only universal force of nature. It is creative but not created. It is invisible but it is visibly seen when expressed in its creation. It is formless but it is manifested in various forms. Love is bigger than everything, for nothing is outside of it but everything is within it. Everything is connected to it hence everything is interconnected to one another. Love has no opposite. Love is God and God is Love.

All of mankind and God are one. Love which created mankind and all the other “stuff”, both seen and unseen, are all connected. The universal force which created the world is in the world but not of the world. In Love , we live, we move and have our every existence. In love all things hold together. Love is inexhaustible. Love cannot be controlled or demanded, it is unconditionally hence it is not subject to rules and regulations. It cannot be turned off and on neither can it be barred or restricted. When mankind begins to understand that we are all connected to the same God and to one another, we would begin to surrender to love.

To surrender is to cease resistance, and submit to another’s authority. Surrendering to Love is allowing its expression to flow to and through you, by removing the barriers built by fear. You can control the creative force of love just as much as you can, the shining of the Sun. Love comes by grace, of its own will and in its own timing, subject to no human’s planning. Love bring order to disorder, peace to chaos, and confidence to fear, healing to wounds, and forgiveness to misunderstanding. Love will cast out fear with its torments. Surrendering to love is surrendering to God. Let go and let God.

What do you understand as Love? I would like to know to.

You may like to read my thoughts on Law of Love


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