The Promise of Rest

For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. – (Heb 4:2)

When you know of He that is backing you up and He the lives within you, when you come to understand that greater is he that is in you than he that is in world, you will be Unstoppable in your destiny. We are made to understand from the scripture above that those who left Egypt with Moses had the promise to entering a place of rest that God had prepare for them. He who created the Heaven and earth, He who demonstrated His power right before their eyes. Unfortunately for them, the Promise was not fully manifested to them because the lack faith hence the they embraced unbelief.

They had the Promise of God with them but they when more focused on the challenges before their eyes. The promise appeared to be futuristic while the challenges where present to them. Rather than trusting that God will make a way for them they chose to trust Him not and this led to their not entering the rest that was promised them. They would rather be at rest than face challenges. Rest is for those who have been occupied, doing something and they needed to recharge. They would rather be unoccupied and resting.

Today the same gospel is being preached to us too and we should learn from the result of their unbelief. I am learning to do and avoid through what I call the REST principle. You are met to be Unstoppable in your destiny for rest has God has promised.  However you can be stopped by unbelief. When you have unbelief in your heart towards the promise of God , you are

  1. R -Resisting the Word of God. When you resist the word of God the word will resist you too. As the word of God is sharper than any “double edged sword”,  it will stop you dead on your tracks
  2. E -Embarrassed by the Word of God. The word of God has a way of revealing the intents of the heart. It is like a mirror you look into. When you are embarrassed by what you see, you either could “cover it up” or repent and ask for help. Confessing to God brings rest to your soul. When you are embarrassed you are stopped from entering the place of rest.
  3. S -Stuck in the Old. You will always prefer the old ways that you know than the unknown. Even Jesus spoke about men preferring the old wine to the new wine. When you are stuck in the old, you will  always look back and will be stopped from entering rest
  4. T – Trust in the seen. You will only believe in what you seen. The seen is however temporal and the unseen is eternal. The seen will change (or end) but the unseen is yet to manifest. When you trust in the seen you will never to able to imagine the new talk-less of  entering the rest

To enter the REST of the Lord you will need to

  1. R -Respect His word (promise) not Resist it
  2. E -Embrace His Word not be embarrassed by it
  3. S -Submit to His Word not Stuck in the Old
  4. T -Trust in His Word not Trust in the seen


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